─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ CS Bootcamp 2020

Day 9


Text formatting

# H1

Produces H1

## H2

Produces H2

### H3

Produces H3

#### H4

Produces H4

##### H5
Produces H5
###### H6
Produces H6

Produces bold


Produces italicise

--- produces a line, as shown below


Col A | Col B | Col C
--- | --- | --- 
apple | Boy | Mac
Col A Col B Col C
apple Boy Mac


$x  = \frac{\sqrt{(b-a_1)}}{c^2}$

Atom & Packages

Markdown Preview Plus


Data Analysis Posters

All of the data analysis posters made in class can be found in this Google Drive folder.

Typing Game Extension

Create a game where the user has to type the randomly displayed word within a certain amount amount of time to gain points. A sample solution of a very basic version of this game can be found in the class GitHub repository.