─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ CS Bootcamp 2020

Day 10


<html> </html>

Starts and ends an html document

<head> </head>

Contains all of the other head elements, such title, style, meta, and more. Content in here is NOT printed directly on the website.

	website title

"website title" will be shown on the top of the screen

<body> </body>

All of the actual of the content of a website goes between these two tags

<p> </p>

Note: html will automatically create a blank line between two paragraph elements

<li> </li>

Creates an unorganised list

        <th> Col A </th>
        <th> Col B </th>
        <th> Col C </th>
      <td> apple </td>
      <td> Banana </td>
      <td> Cantalope </td>

All of the table content goes between the two table tags. tr stands for table row, and th stands for table heading, and td stands for table data.

<img scr="https://www.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png">

Inserts an image, with the source being the link provided.

<a href="https://www.google.com"> Google </a>

Creates a hyperlink to Google, with Google being the hyperlinked text

Note: there are many more tags in HTML, which you may encounter in your web scrapping journeys.

Web Scrapping

An annotated Jupyter Notebook can be found in our class GitHub repository.